Grace Avilez


LinkedIn Profile


I'm a skilled copy writer and content creator with 5+ years of experience. Competent in applying a variety of writing styles and tones, I produce content that performs exceptionally well. A seasoned professional and innovative thinker who will work with your team to elevate your brand.


Creative thinking


Marketing & research

Strong writing skills

Communication skills

Technical and computer skills


Raymond Property Management

Copy and Content Writer and Editor

(01/02/17 - Current)

I have extensive experience as a real estate agent and am able to leverage that knowledge to produce content that elevates and promotes their brand.

  • SEO-optimized blogs

  • SMM creative curation

  • SMM organic posts

  • Website copy and content

zö agency

Copy and Content Writer and Editor

(08/10/18 - Current)

This is a full-service marketing agency who has clients in the health and education sectors.

  • Google ads

  • SMM organic and ads

  • SEO-optimized blogs

  • Sales landing page copy

  • Monthly e-newsletters

  • SEO-optimizing websites

  • Curating LinkedIn posts

  • Copy editing books, digital reports and sales proposals

  • Team communication: Slack, email, TeamFlow, Basecamp

Trustworthy Digital

Content Writer

(10/15/21 - Current)

I am the sole content writer for this digital marketing agency who has clients in the software, real estate and health sectors.

  • SEO-optimized blogs

  • Sales landing page copy

  • SEO-optimizing websites

  • Team communication: Slack, ClickUp

Chameleon Marketing Collective

Content Writer

(03/15/22 - Current)

Here, I am part of a team of multi-disciplinary leaders and entrepreneurial freethinkers who solve meaningful challenges for clients. As part of their content team, I write articles for the Australian and global markets.

  • SEO-optimized blogs

  • Team communication: Slack, Notion


Brandon O'Connor

Owner of Trustworthy Digital

Curtis Coronado

Owner of Media Lab 17

Sonja Anderson

Owner of zö agency

Rachel Rice

Project Director at zö agency

Leonie Waldron

Owner of Chameleon Marketing Collective

John Raymond

Owner of Raymond Property Management

"Description begins in the writer's imagination, but should finish in the reader's." - Stephen King

"Description begins in the writer's imagination, but should finish in the reader's." - Stephen King

Full Spectrum CMS / Grace Avilez

Full Spectrum CMS / Grace Avilez

USA, Redmond Oregon

(503) 461-4613